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Article: Anti-Aging Tips for Your 30s - Eye Edition

Anti-Aging Tips for Your 30s - Eye Edition
For_Skin care

Anti-Aging Tips for Your 30s - Eye Edition


The signs of skin aging usually begin to appear at the age of 25. These can be minute signs such as a fine line or two. Your 30s is pretty much when adult skin begins to show. As your skin changes, products that you used in your 20s may no longer be as effective when you are in your 30s. This means you have to constantly adjust your skincare routine depending on your skin's current needs.

Most anti-aging tips cover anti-aging in a broad manner, not addressing factors such as how aging varies and how it becomes more prominent as you age. If you’re in your 30s and planning on a new routine, try looking or asking for age-specific tips. Here are common skin aging issues as well as anti-aging tips for 30s


Entering your 30s is like turning a new chapter in your life especially when it comes to your skin. During this transition period, you may notice more pronounced dryness, dullness, sensitivities, and the appearance of spots and discoloration.

The delicate skin around your eyes is the first to go when it comes to skin aging. This is because the area is 10 times thinner than the rest of the skin on your body and it only gets thinner as you age. The under-eye area also naturally lacks essential elements for support, such as oil glands, fat, or muscle.   

Before moving on to anti-aging tips, learn more about the common signs of aging that affects the eye area.

1: Wrinkles and Fine Lines

As you age, collagen production declines and affects the skin’s elasticity. Thinner skin makes collagen degrade faster, which is the case for the eye area. Years of facial gestures such as smiling, squinting, and laughing also cause the formation of lines on the corners of the eyes. A popular example is crow’s feet or the lines on the outer corner of the eyes. The sensitive nature of the skin sometimes makes it hard to look for anti-aging tips for eye lines.

2: Dark Circles

You can tell by just looking at someone’s eyes if he/she is tired or didn’t get enough sleep. Dark circles and shadows under the eyes are also signs of the breakdown of collagen; collagen makes the skin look radiant. And because the skin around your eyes sits on the hollow eye socket, if skin dehydration is not prevented you can get that sunken, hollow look that adds years to your age.     

3: Puffiness and Eye Bags

Sleeping helps the body regenerate and not having enough may cause disruption in its processes, including the production of collagen. Where there is not enough collagen, the skin weakens making it sag and collect fluids, hence the puffiness and swelling. Puffiness doesn’t usually last that long but poor sleeping habits may make it a permanent problem.


Signs of aging may vary with each decade of your life. It’s in your 30s that you get to experience real skin aging, particularly around the eye area. And because you already know that the skin around your eyes is most vulnerable, you may want to incorporate special steps in your regular skincare routine.

1: Choose an eye cream that works for you

Age Defender Eye Cream

As the under-eye area does not have oil glands to naturally moisturize it, a hydration boost is a must. Take note that this is not the typical moisturizer that you use on your face. Giving special attention to your eye area may mean looking for skincare products with eye-specific benefits. Look for ingredients that hydrate and prevent skin aging at the same time. Apply this night and day before putting on moisturizer.

Give your eye area the care it deserves with the Project E Beauty Age Defender Eye Cream. This lightweight and non-greasy eye cream is specially formulated to fight against signs of premature aging around the eyes. Regular use visibly reduces puffiness, smoothens fine lines and wrinkles, and diminishes the appearance of dark circles. Great for all skin types from dry to oily. 

2: Try under-eye patches for instant effects

Aqua Collage Under Eye Patches

Add under-eye patches to your routine and experience the immediate benefits of this convenient eye treatment. Project E Beauty’s rejuvenating Under Eye Patches are infused with collagen and botanical ingredients to refresh tired-looking skin. These specially shaped patches fit perfectly under the eyes to directly deliver hydration and collagen-boosting benefits. In just 20 minutes, have radiant, smoother skin with reduced lines, puffiness, and swelling for that well-rested look.

3: Explore new skincare trends and technology 

Facial & Eye Photon Ultrasonic Device

LED light therapy is a relatively new technology that utilizes the power of UV-free, non-thermal light energy to address a variety of skin conditions. NASA first discovered that visible red light in particular accelerates the healing processes of the body. Experience the healing benefits of light  therapy and more with Project E Beauty’s Facial & Eye Photon Ultrasonic Device.

This advanced handheld beauty device is equipped to produce 3 visible light colors: red, blue, and green. Red light targets fine lines and wrinkles, perfect for use around the eye area. Blue light reinforces the skin to prevent sagging. Green light has calming effects on inflamed skin and can help relieve puffiness and swelling. Its ultrasound function provides a nonsurgical facelift by stimulating the production of collagen in the dermis.

The Final Takeaway 

The 30s is when most people start coming out of their shells and developing their own identities and belief systems. Wisdom can be earned but it need not show on your skin. Remember, the eyes are the window to your soul, not your age. Fine-tune your skincare regimen with these simple yet effective eye area anti-aging tips suitable for your 30s. 



 written by Olivia Khader



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